A holiday movie worth seeing

I seldom do this.  But I feel deeply about this one.  So many of the things that move me and enchant me found their way into this movie.  There is the son who loses a beloved father, becoming an orphan left to fend for himself.  There is the mystery of a strange machine that’s broken, yet seems to hold the answers to the riddles in this boy’s life. There is the adventure he must go on to get those answers…taking risks, speaking up, doing things out of the social norm, and taking chances based on his heart. There is the girl who befriends and helps him.  There is the destiny he feels he must find and live out. And there is the intriguing twist that when he finds and lives his destiny, he becomes an agent of healing in the lives of others.

All of this is our calling as we follow Jesus.  We are to move from being orphans to beloved children before the Father.  There will then be mysteries about ourselves and others around us that we will have to unlock.  To do this, we will be asked to go on an adventure with Jesus, taking risks, moving out of social norms, and taking chances because we feel it is right in our hearts.  We will find others along the way who will help us and encourage us.  As we do this out of obedience, we will understand our destiny and live it out in a way that startles many.  And the most beautiful thing of all…as we do all of this, we will become agents of healing in the lives of so many.

One of the most foundational reasons I believe in the truth of Jesus is not because of all the evidence for his uniqueness.  That’s helpful.  But the real reason I believe it is because the truth he spoke and lived is found everywhere else.  All of the great stories and movies and myths are unconscious echoes of the life of Jesus and the life he calls us into.  It’s not just written in the pages of the Bible.  It’s written into the fabric of our deepest longings and greatest literature.

That’s why I was transported for two hours by this movie.  And to make it better, the acting and filming are works of beauty.  Stop and see it.  The movie?  Hugo.  Here’s the trailer.

About Coach D

I have been a teacher and a coach for many years. My real name is Bill Delvaux, but my students call me Coach D, hence the user name. This blog is about the journey into the unknown I am walking and the landmarks I am navigating along the way. The destination: becoming who I really am as a man. I invite you to join me by reading along every Monday and Thursday.
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6 Responses to A holiday movie worth seeing

  1. Bob says:

    I now have plans for Monday. Thanks for the recommendation

  2. ben rucker says:

    Coach, I saw it tonight. Wow, what an incredible film! Scorsese sure knows how to get it done. I really want to read the book now, too.

  3. Coach D says:

    Great to hear from you. I’m glad you enjoyed the movie also. I plan to buy it when it comes out. I already have a scene in it I want to use for teaching purposes!

  4. Trey says:

    “We are to move from being orphans to beloved children before the Father.”

    Ain’t that the deep truth! When I operate from a place of love and closeness to the Creator of the universe my life is so, so different. God’s love for us is the most glorious thing, it shames me a bit that I keep forgetting. I think I am turning a corner though, when I was worried about Christmas money I realized who I was doubting and felt sad. It was not guilt, though I certainly was guilty, it was sad, like I had thought ill of a person I love. I guess I was just so disappointed in myself, and worried I had hurt Christ’s feelings.

    It makes me tear up a bit now to write it, but I think the point of this post will really drive my growth and development in Christ this year. As a child of the King, I get an opportunity for the best education if I just take it.


    • Coach D says:

      This is such a wise perspective. When we move from simply guilt over breaking a law to sadness over breaking a heart, it shows that we are starting to own ourselves as real sons before the living God. Continue to move towards the Father this year.

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